AI + Smart Home Technology Developing Trend?
Source:Internet | Author:Yoky | Published time: 2018-01-25 | 1580 Views | Share:
AI + Smart Home Technology Developing Trend?
"AI + smart home" Enhances the Interactive Experience of Smart Home Products
"AI + smart home" Achieve the Expansion of Content and Services

AI + Smart Home Technology Developing Trend?

In the Smart Home scene, on one hand, AI will further promote the intelligent home products, including lighting systems, audio-visual systems, energy management systems, security systems…etc, which leads home products from perception to cognitive development to achieve the decision-making. On the other hand, it depends on establishment of Smart Home System. Products equipped with artificial intelligence are expected to be the core of Smart Home, including Robots, Smart Speakers, Smart TV, and so on.

Smart Home will gradually achieve the mode of self-learning & control, so as to be at personalized service of different users.

Smart Home is a household ecosphere with a platform of residence, basing on Internet of Things, consisting of hardware (like Smart Appliances, Smart hardware, Security Control Equipment, Furniture…etc), Software System and Cloud Computing Platform, achieve the function of equipment long-distance control, equipment interoperability, equipment self-study, and so on. Therefore, home life will be more safe, comfortable, energy-saving, efficient and convenient. Smart Home includes a variety of products in home life, covering multiple home life scenes.

In 2016, the size of China's smart home market reached 114 billion yuan. In the second quarter of 2017, the number of smart home active users reached 46 million. With the development of Internet of Things technology and artificial intelligence technology and the advent of the twentieth century marriage and childbearing trend, smart home will become the mainstream trend of development.

From the smart home development stage, we can know that the smart home market in China is just in the market start-up phase, has not entered the outbreak stage yet, smart home products' applied range is still very low. At present, there are still many constraints in the field of smart home. For example, the products themselves have a low level of intelligence. Most products accomplish tasks according to established procedures. Experiences in actively sensing and solving user needs and human-computer interaction are still relatively advanced. Therefore, there is no widespread user stickiness, and consumers have a wait-and-see attitude towards smart home products. When comparing with Amazon's echo and GoogleHOME, there is no mature smart home control center, which is still in the transition stage of mobile APP to smart speakers, smart TVs, robots and other control center.

Artificial intelligence technology can bring the software behind the hardware and service capabilities, and intelligent hardware to match the interactive technology. With AI + Smart Home, Personal Computer Interactive Technology that facilitates the creation of a truly "smart" and immersive scene experience for the next generation of hardware helps enhance the interactive experience with smart home products.

"AI + smart home" Enhances the Interactive Experience of Smart Home Products

Voice communication tends to be more routine in daily communication: it is more natural that human beings command their machines to complete their own tasks without doing anything else. At the same time, voice interaction has advantages in specific scenes, such as remote manipulation and driving, which can liberate both hands in a specific scene. In a relatively closed environment, voice recognition becomes the mainstream human-computer interaction mode.

In recent years, major breakthroughs have been made in the key aspects of voice interaction. Speech recognition has broken through the single-point capability, reaching more than 97% of the accuracy of Chinese speech recognition. From far-field recognition to voice analysis and semantic understanding technologies are maturing. The realization of dialogue and so on are conducive to voice interaction to replace the traditional touch-screen interaction, the overall voice interactive program has been applied to the field of smart home

Echo, such as computer vision and gesture recognition, has become an interactive voice-activated device. Echo has launched screens in the newly launched echoshow products. Besides voice interaction, the smart TV analyzes video contents through computer vision and conducts content-related information One-step operation, including short video clips, watching while buying, such as Yi + carrying Lynx magic box in the "look at" function. Another example, in the smart refrigerator, achieve the analysis of food in the refrigerator through the computer vision, derive the functions of user health management and online shopping as well.A variety of interactive modes will be unified in the home life scenes, so as to provide a more natural Interactive experience.

On the other hand, with the development of the smart home platform, with the scene layout of "IFTTT", the smart home realizes the linkage of multiple home products, and the user can customize multiple use scenarios to realize customization and personalization. The development of artificial intelligence technology will enable personal identification, user data collection, product interaction in a subtle way become a reality, the future home life scenes will provide thousands of thousands of face, family members personalized service.

"AI + smart home" Achieve the Expansion of Content and Services

Finding the right voice entry is the key to tapping the value of the user behind a smart home. Hardware itself has import value, smart speakers, smart TVs, home robots, etc. are likely to become the appropriate entrance.

The traditional mouse operation and touch-screen operation gradually evolve towards a more natural interaction such as voice interaction. The future value of voice interaction lies in user data mining and the opening up of the contents and services. The Internet of Things era Produce a new business model. Intelligent products such as smart speakers, service robots and smart TVs have become carriers of voice recognition technology and natural language processing technology at this stage. As a potential smart home entrance, products such as smart speakers, service robots and smart TVs are providing original services. At the same time, access more mobile Internet services, and to achieve control of other smart home products. These products have opened up new traffic entrances for paid content, third-party services, e-commerce, and other resources. Data from multiple users are recorded and analyzed. Vendors grafted services to different scenarios in life. The data became the foundation and services were more humane.

Future development Trend of "AI + Smart Home"

a.     Higher Experience of Human-computer Interaction

From the earliest WiFi network control to nowaday's fingerprint recognition, voice recognition, the performance of human-computer interaction has been greatly enhanced, smart home products are developing from the weak to the intelligent stage. The smart home product audience will also shift from the adopters to more ordinary users, including even the elderly and children. More intelligent technology applications, more complex user structure and broader user coverage and other factors will inevitably lead smart home products to be more simple and practical.

The upgrade of intelligent and human-computer interaction experience will greatly expand the application scenarios of smart home. In 2016, products such as smart security products landing, fingerprint locks and smart cameras have drawn wide attention. With the intelligent perception, advanced learning and other technology improvements, intelligent lighting, intelligent temperature control and other products are also gradually becoming more mature. In year of 2017, smart speakers became explosive products. When the user needs continue to expand, the product more rich, smart home will penetrate all aspects of home life. The smart home market will usher in an explosion. In 2019, the size of the smart home market is expected to reach 1950 billion RMB.

Smart speakers, smart TVs, butler-type robots will continue to be the smart home control center, smart home tends to be systematic.

A variety of products equipped with artificial intelligence are expected to become the core of smart home, including robots, smart speakers, smart TVs and other products, providing children's education, elderly companionship, life assistant, health monitoring and other services, smart home system will gradually achieve home self-learning and control, so as to provide personalized services for different users.

At present, smart home is still in the transition from handset control to multi-control phase. Mobile APP is still the main control mode of smart home. However, software and hardware products such as voice assistant and voice interactive products based on artificial intelligence technology have been started market education, with the use of voice control, multi-product linkage scenes gradually become a reality. In the future, artificial intelligence will promote smart home developing from multi-control combination to actuated control then to machine self-learning & self-decision-making achieve.

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